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St Canice Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungiven

News - Year 3

20th Jun 2024
The children all went on hunt for mini beast at the Old Priory, all the children...
14th Jun 2024
14th Jun 2024
P.3 had a great day at Wacky Workshop and then a short trip to the beach.
30th May 2024
Primary 3 showcases their artistic talents and their favourite memories of Mr Loane.
22nd Apr 2024
Congratulations to Mr Loane on receiving the ‘Best Principal 2024 Award’...
19th Apr 2024
All the boys and girls enjoyed asking Mr Mc Guigan different questions about his...
18th Apr 2024
P.3 went out to the poly tunnel and started to plant their sunflowers. The P.7 girls...
16th Apr 2024
We had a visitor in P.3 today and we got the chance to feed him, We also took a vote...