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St Canice Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungiven
Mid Term Break Both the Primary School and Nursery Unit will be CLOSED Monday 6th Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th May for Mid Term Break.They will open on Thursday 9th May.
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ECO Committee

9th Feb 2021

Due to Covid restrictions we have decided to make our p7s the ECO committee this year in order to maintain social distancing and our bubbles.

We had our first meeting in November 2020. We discussed what we needed to do and how we were going to let everyone know what is happening. Other classes will be contacted through their class teacher, via email and the use of Teams so that all pupils and adults will still have an input into the decision making process and be given the opportunity to put forward their ideas.

We decided that we would put up a photo of the ECO committee, our Action plan and minutes of meetings on the ECO noticeboard.

We also decided that we would try to introduce a termly newsletter, when we return to school, that would be put on the school website and posted on Seesaw to let parents know what we are doing.


Environmental review 2020-21


We carried out an Environmental Review to see what ECO areas we are addressing and what areas we should target to develop and improve. This review was carried out by our class and Mr Loane.

The doors and windows are closed so when the heating is on it doesn’t get wasted. All the rooms, apart from Mr Loane and Shirley’s offices have a thermometer that turns the temperature up or down. There is insulation in the school so that if people take off their jumper they won’t get cold. The lights are always turned off. Mr Loane is hoping to install automatic lights in the future. When there is enough sunlight we turn off the lights so we don’t waste energy. All the school computers are turned off from night to morning. Our DEC score has improved significantly over the last few years and is only forty.

The teachers drink Fair Trade tea and coffee because Fair Trade helps farmers get a fair price for their crops. Other Fair Trade products are used in our school. Our class recently were taught what Fair Trade is and how it helps farmers. We have whole school awareness days to support other people. Our school raises money and collects clothes and toys. Primary 7 are aware of the United Nations through work we have been doing in class. We understand that choices in the outside world affect others.
